Three Reasons Why Having a Private Piano Tutor is a Must for Your Kid

Everyone needs some music in his or her life, whether one is listening, singing, or playing it on an instrument. However, owing to some financial constraints; some schools are not able to provide music education to their kids. Music is not just a subject, but also something that can enrich a child’s life and make them quick learners. If your child wants to learn to play the piano then it would be beneficial for your child to have a private piano tutor to help them.

How Can Hiring A Private Piano Tutor Help My Child?

One of the easiest ways to help your child receive piano training is hiring a private piano tutor. It is an important task, and no one can deny the role of having a music teacher in the lives of your child to learn music. The field of music requires different aspects to be covered, and learning to play an instrument is a tangible skill.

However, many are a bit sceptical about providing music lessons to their kids. They need to remember that hiring a private piano tutor is not about playing the piano. A teacher helps shape the perspective of the child in the art of playing a musical instrument. There are many academies, which provide full-time as well as part-time tutors to help kids learn this beautiful musical instrument.
Often, some wonder as to how learning a piano and getting good grades at school are connected. Given below are the top three reasons why hiring a private piano tutor would help unleash the other capabilities of the child.

1. Improved Coordination

When learning to play any musical instrument, it requires precise finger-work, which affects different areas of the brain. It leads to an increase in the size of that area of the brain, which provides better hand-eye coordination, which your child can use for other areas such as sports. The combination of hand-eye coordination and spatial awareness would ensure that your child is growing equally in other aspects of their life as well.

2. Creativity

Studies have shown the correlation between a musician’s brain, and the tendency of your child’s creativity in different areas of life. The mind of a child receiving training in playing a musical instrument can access and remember information from a wider area of the brain. It would help them in acquiring problem-solving skills reinforced with every single piano lesson.

In short, they would have a more adaptive thought process, as they would learn and store information easily. You can also look for getting guitar music for kids to increase their thinking and analyzing capabilities.

3. Academic Improvement

Many often feel sceptical about this one, but playing an instrument leads to a change in the functioning of your kid’s brain. A study consisting of young music students found that they scored higher on academic tests including maths, and spatial skills. The study found that stimulation in different regions of the brain provided a flexible connection between the brain cells.


Thus, when you want your kid to learn and develop all of their skills, then hiring a private piano tutor would help get the job done.


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